Apr 12Liked by Douglas Brouwer

Not having checked, I take your word for it that this great edition of God Bless America Bible will "contain the U.S. Constitution or the Pledge of Allegiance or any of the other founding documents...”. Now all Christians who have this great edition of Bible can read the U.S. Constitution and other founding documents as they are diving deeper into the Bible in studying God's word as well. On the other hand, I read in the newspaper that most of the people who identify themselves as evangelical Christians these days don't even go to church regularly. If this is true, I suspect that the ploy of encouraging (American) Christians to study the founding documents will not work.....

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Apr 6Liked by Douglas Brouwer

Thanks for this, Doug; your eloquence voiced many of my own concerns, and sadness at how people will buy this from a person using the Bible for personal financial gain. It is sad how people in power use whatever means they can to misrepresent themselves for who they actually are.

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"Keep coming back" Doug. Speak the truth in love.

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Dear Doug:

As an Independent voter I can appreciate the time you took to collect and share this "stack" of Mr. Trump's financial details, including his Bible promotion. It will be compared to the "stack" from the opposition. It will take MUCH more to offset the promotion of gender change by the opposition. It is unimaginable that so many refuse to address this dysphoria for what it is. It is hard to imagine, much less promote, the mentality of an adult who would encourage a child into this grief. Check into the suicides, before and after surgery. Parents who do not want to support this dysphoria may have their child taken away from them. This being promoted has caused a couple of men friends, one of whom is not a devout Christian to say, "This is satanic". I have heard this several times: "It's the sign of the end times".......or " the end of the end times"....

More in the opposition stack: DOJ demands jail time for woman who stole Ashley Biden's diary". In this diary Ashley writes of showering with her father, ( stole? This diary was left behind in a rental unit and the woman who found it sold it to an investigative news outlet.)

We are getting regular inundations of fraud: one example, being offered large sums of free money from the government that you do not have to pay back (I received this offer from 6 different friends whose identities were "hacked", one on our county board. All I had to do was just give them some vital information.) I changed my credit card number 4 times last year...... another example: Misinformation about elections may send our country over the cliff.

The opposition offers up Kamala Harris to refill the presidency.

Revelation informs us that in the end times people will be willing to be deceived.


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Thank you Doug, for your words of wisdom and from your unique perspective. I am saddened by the way that some US Christianity has been re-interpretted, taking us away from the compassionate, forgiving and empathetic words of Jesus.

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When someone in the US tells me they are a Christian, the question I ask these days is: 'classical Jesus' or 'Republican Jesus'? Christianity (and religion in general) has been (ab)used by monarchs and rulers over the centuries to claim faith for their national and nationalistic purpose. Putin does this with the Russian Orthodox Church and in the US we see this attempted by Trump to claim the 'Bible' to secure the evangelical (national) vote as the 'defender of the faith'. People are gullible and will excuse him as they feel artificially 'besieged' and thus confirmed in their identity. A conman leading the 'faithful'. A sad affair....

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Indeed. I only have 4 Bibles of differing versions, not a KJV among them. (2 of them are even thick and perfect for lifting my computer when on a Zoom call.) One has a nifty concordance that assists in understanding the background and history of the setting for the passage I’m looking at. A small Bible is a memory of the day I was offered the opportunity to represent my PC(USA) denomination at the General Synod of the RCA when it was held in Holland MI. That was a meaningful experience for this non-minister with only a regional polity role. The RCA gift that day to all the guests invited from other denominations was the little Bible that travels with me so easily.

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